Not Just Another IHUT
Mindseye conducts pre-launch IHUT research for new and redesigned durable goods. The results give technical feedback to the engineers about a product’s real-world in-home performance, leading to corrections and improvements prior to launch. The process includes a meticulous recruitment process, pre-qualifying the homes, installing the new unit in place of their current, multiple research touchpoints, including photos and videos of the use experience, in-home visits from the project team, and an ongoing dialogue of valuable feedback. A test can last up to a year. Mindseye provides 24/7 customer care and troubleshooting. Tester retention over the course of a study is 100%.
Functional and Fun
This new household cleaner was special, and the consumer research program needed to assist the design and development of a product that would deliver on that promise. Product design work optimized the size and appearance of the product to set the right user expectations. Iterative in-home testing culminated in performance that delighted and fit the concept. Along the way, consumers journaled online and shared videos. In-home qualitative follow ups added context and confirmation. The result was a new product that indeed delivered a special look, feel, smell, and clean. Consumers told us it made cleaning fun!
System 1®
The Best of Both Worlds
“System 1” implicit association measurement complemented a traditional “System 2” Max Diff method to bring a rich understanding of underlying brand associations and drivers of consumer brand choice. These insights helped management understand their competitive position in a niche category of natural products and informed the final decision to use a brand acquisition as a means of category growth.
What Color Is the Taste of an Awesome Drink?
Question: How do you push the envelope to get truly creative inspiration in the earliest stages of product development? Answer: Push the envelope with your research participants. Mindseye hosted a bulletin board to identify creative and engaged adult beverage drinkers – and uncover new nuggets about how they think. The bulletin board was chock full of creative activities that challenged and engaged, elicited facts and fantasies, paired the likely with the unlikely, all the while encouraging participants to “use your imagination and have fun with it!” The client hand-picked participants to be part of a unique new product panel.
Read Between the Lines
A conjoint-based approach was designed to systematically identify the strongest concept elements for positioning a small durable product, including benefit and support points, descriptors and tag lines. A model quantified the impact of each copy variable on interest in buying and isolated the most compelling copy point combinations. The results informed concept development and advertising copy for restaging this product line.
Take a Good Look
A segmentation study was conducted for a fast-growing cosmetic procedure. Explored were behaviors, attitudes, equities, strengths, weaknesses, and barriers of the category, including opportunities for differentiation and synergies between the client’s two brands. A computerized typing tool helped the client to target marketing messages to people who came to their website and became classified into one of the segments identified from the research. The results of the research guided brand growth strategies.